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30° Forest Hills, NY
"Be the Light"


"Be the Light"



Welcome back to the Sip Sip Sip Series! If you’re new, this is a series where we (Salma and Jenny), along with special guests, try and review different coffee establishments throughout NYC. 

In this series, we were lucky to interview the managers of Forest Cafe and try out their winter seasonal menu! Opening up in October of 2022, the small cafe has nestled its way into the Forest Hills community.

Inspiration for the cafe sparked when Paul Shim, current co-owner, was taking his dog Milo on a walk and saw the location for sale. 

“He just had a vision, he saw it was a really good opportunity for us to open a cafe here,” Julie Fung said. 

After living in Forest Hills for over a decade, Julie Fung, her sister Nina, and Nina’s husband Paul, felt that the residential area lacked coffee shops with consistent quality and space to do work peacefully, given quarantine had created a work-from-home situation.

The trio renovated the place, taking inspiration from the Japandi style, a mix of Japanese and Scandinavian culture. Insert more imagery on the layout. 

On opening day, they were the only 3 employees. This number has since grown to a team of 14.

“It’s surreal, the team that we’ve built. I didn’t think it would be possible to have such a great team,” Julie commented as she reflected on the change the cafe has undergone since its opening.

Given their growth and positive community reaction, the team has become more ambitious, releasing a fall menu consisting of 10 drinks and food items back in October of 2023.

The two sisters gain inspiration for their menus through culture and travel. 

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