“Priscilla,” a new biographical drama from renowned and adored filmmaker, Sophia Coppola, recounts the life of Priscilla Presley, with a focus on her relationship with Elvis Presley. It is based on the memoir that Priscilla wrote about her own life, titled “Elvis and Me,” which she released in 1985.
Fans of Sophia Coppola will likely enjoy “Priscilla,” as it is in line with her signature directing style of long, panoramic shots, feminine color schemes, and themes of loneliness and youth. However, those who expected a run-of-the-mill biographical drama about Priscilla’s life will likely leave disappointed, as there were several historical inaccuracies.
One thing fans point out is the hilarious height difference between Jacob Elordi, who plays Elvis, and Cailee Spainey, who plays Priscilla. They are 5’1” and 6’5”, whereas Elvis and Priscilla were actually 6’0” and 5’4”. It’s funny how a seemingly meaningless detail like an actor’s height could contribute to an overall sense of historical inaccuracy when reviewing a movie.
Despite the inaccuracies, there are mostly positive reviews, even from Priscilla Presley herself. When speaking with TMZ, Priscilla excitedly stated “I am very excited to see the interpretation of my book by the masterful Sofia Coppola. She has such an extraordinary perspective and I have always been such an admirer of her work. I’m certain this movie will take everyone on an emotional journey.” Representatives from the Elvis Presley estate expressed sharply different views to TMZ, stating the set “looked like a college movie.”
Overall, “Priscilla” was a lonely new addition to Coppola’s catalog of movies. It has an incredible soundtrack, with impressive performances from both Elordi and Spainey, respectively. Once again, Coppola reminds us of the style present throughout all her movies, which fans of hers will appreciate.