Earlier this month, on March 16, seniors joined in the auditorium to sing with their friends and enjoy a night of belting their lungs out while snacking on pizza and soda. Friends all came together to sing a variety of songs ranging from Disney to Latin-pop. It was the perfect way for seniors to relax and distract themselves from the pressure of future decisions. The perfect way to celebrate 100 days until graduation.
Every singer was met with applause and overwhelming support from the audience which helped ease tension as more seniors signed up to sing along. The energetic atmosphere filled the auditorium and made it easy for anyone to sing along, even from their seat.
Natalie Bast, a member of the senior advisory, commented on the importance of having events such as the karaoke night, stating “I think having a karaoke was a fun experience to make new friends and a great way to step out of your comfort zone.” For entry, the tickets were 2 dollars and all proceeds went to charity.
Senior Karaoke was only one of many events for seniors. With this being our last year, it’s important to try to stay involved because there are a little over 2 months left of the school year. On the day of the Senior Karaoke, there were 100 days until graduation. At the time of the release of this issue, there are only 39 school days left until graduation.