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Sip Sip Sip: Gregory’s Coffee

Sip Sip Sip: Gregory’s Coffee
Gregory's Coffee interior

Searching for a fresh coffee haven? See too many classmates at the Starbucks near CVS? Fret not, we got you covered! We’re starting a series called the “Sip Sip Sip” to review and try out coffees from different coffee establishments scattered across the streets of NYC. 

This month, The Beacon chose Gregory’s Coffee on Austin St. as their first shop to review. Opening around May of 2023, one of the city’s popular and beloved coffee chains is conveniently placed only a few paces from the 71st Continental Ave train station. As we walked in, we were greeted by loud pop music and the vibrant red espresso machine, adorned with Forest Hills. 


Gregory’s interior is decorated with a simple modern black and white theme– a comfy black L-couch, marble-print tables and high chairs. During the day, the cafe is brightly lit by natural light from the high storefront windows, creating an open and relaxed space. 

USB plugs in the legs of the tables make Gregory a go-to study spot, though there’s only room for a laptop and drink at each small table.

A final detail we’ll add about the cafe is a make-or-break for some cafe-hoppers: the bathroom. There is a code, as many food places typically do, and the inside is kept clean and fresh-smelling. 

We had some friends tag along with us to be coffee taste testers, who all had different coffee opinions, some coffee drinks, and some non-coffee drinks. All of the prices were close to $6-$7 for a medium size, which is relatively pricey for a cup of coffee. The drinks also arrived quickly, each wait only about a few minutes long.

Gregory’s Coffee interior (Jenny Dun)
The Cold Brews: Honey Badger & Salted Caramel
The Cold Brews: Honey Badger & Salted Caramel

The Honey Badger Cold Brew  4/10 

The first sip was surprising and delivered an unexpected kick. As someone who regularly doesn’t drink cold brew, it had a sour undertone, something I’m not a big fan of. The honey attempted to sweeten the cup of coffee, however, it created a weird mix of sweet and sour– an unconventional blend of flavors. 


The Salted Caramel Cold Brew 4/10

Salma, too, agreed the cold brews were too sour for its own good. The salted caramel did not seem to fully mix with the liquid. As we took sips of the coffee, we got chunks of cold caramel syrup.

Latte with Simply Syrup
Latte with Simple Syrup

Rating: 6.6/10

As an avid coffee drinker, the latte presented a familiar taste, akin to any other standard latte. The taste may have been creamier if we ordered it with another kind of milk, but we resorted to whole milk instead. It is a simple and average latte and I would purchase it again if I needed coffee. Senior Stephan Menasche also agreed, describing the latte as not overly sweet but still mediocre. 

Alyssa Wu also commented, “I don’t think it’s bad, but I wouldn’t take it if I had a choice.” 

Latte with Simply Syrup (Jenny Dun)
The Chai Latte
Chai Latte

Rating: 5/10

I was never a fan of chai lattes, so I didn’t have any high expectations for this drink. However, on account of the first sip, I was pleasantly surprised. It was on the sweeter side with only a small note of cinnamon in the aftertaste. However, if you crave a more pronounced cinnamon flavor, this drink may not be for you. Nikita Leal remarks that it tasted more like warm milk rather than a chai, suggesting that there are better options to choose from. Angelina Lubrano remarks that it tasted like pumpkin pie weirdly. 

 “Despite the cinnamon and warmness, I’m not getting much,” Ren Nebet added.


The Chai Latte (Jenny Dun)
Pumpkin and Banana Loaf

But is a coffee complete without a sweet treat? We’d argue no. An assortment of baked goods was displayed near the register such as loaves, cookies, and muffins. We tried the pumpkin loaf, which shockingly tasted very similar to the Starbucks version. With a price of $4.50, the loaf, which was not heated, was moist and delicious. This was probably our favorite item at Gregorys, so if there’s one thing we would recommend, it would be the pastries.

In addition to the drinks and pastries, a student from FHHS also bought Gregory’s coffee bean mix and made a drink at home. The result: mid.

Pumpkin and Banana Loaf (Jenny Dun)

Overall, considering the price and taste, the overall impression leaned towards a mixed and average verdict. The price points, though on the higher side, reflect a commitment to quality. Whether it’s the bold and unexpected combinations such as Protein coffee and Yuzu flavored coffees, or the comforting classics, everyone’s tastes are all different. 

Gregory’s Coffee may be for you if you like something sweet for fun drinks, or something plain for the classics. As the “Sip Sip Sip” series unfolds, we look forward to discovering more hidden gems for coffee enthusiasts. So, if you’re on the hunt for your next coffee haven, stay tuned as we continue our journey through the rich tapestry of NYC’s coffee culture. Cheers to the next sip! 

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