Separation. Edvard Munch. 1896. Oil on canvas
If you find yourself here, you’ve likely become an unwitting victim of breakup season. First and foremost, condolences. The aftermath of a breakup can make even mundane tasks feel like a challenge. Whether you’re tempted to rot in your bed, scroll through social media, or cry, remember that you’re not alone in this experience.
1. Contact Them (because… why not?):
Feeling a void in your heart? Why not fill it with a paragraph sent precisely at 10:58 p.m.? If that doesn’t work, give them a call. Because who needs boundaries when you’re navigating through your emotions, right? Who knows. If you’re lucky enough, they might answer the phone, and your relationship can be reconciled!
Pro tip: Talking about your feelings will undoubtedly bring peace of mind. Or not. But hey, at least you tried.
2. Stalk Their Social Media (every hour, please):
Boredom may come to you as you’re rotting in your cozy bed. The internet will also come in as a helping hand. Your hand may start to itch at the urge to check your social media account because nothing says moving on like becoming the #1 stalker. You obviously want to check how they’re doing. You still care and stalking is just a form of your love language. It’s totally not just to see if they have moved on.
3. Revisit Old Memories (and overanalyze everything):
Missing them like crazy? Old messages are always there for you to revisit. It’s practically a time machine to when it was good. Wouldn’t it make your heart feel warm and fluffy again? Also, scroll through your photo album to look at old pictures of them, visit the places you guys often visited, and relive those memories.
4. Find Someone New (definitely isn’t toxic and harmful):
The grand finale – convince yourself you’ve moved on by finding someone new. It’s easy and definitely isn’t toxic at all. Maybe there’s someone interested in you at the present moment. It’s the perfect time to broaden your dating experience.
Everything you just read was actually what not to do. Some, like me, may be guilty of doing a few of these things. In all seriousness, we know breakup season isn’t a joke, but sometimes a dash of humor can be the best medicine. The crucial step in overcoming heartbreak is to allow yourself the time and space to grieve. It’s perfectly okay to experience those raw and unfiltered emotions. It’s fine to shed tears at every breathing moment, to miss them, and to reminisce about the shared moments.
Turn to your support system -trusted friends and understanding adults- lean on them and share the burden of your feelings. They are there to offer guidance and create a safe space for you to open up.
Consider journaling as a therapeutic outlet. According to the University of Rochester Medical Center, journaling helps you manage anxiety, reduce stress, and cope with depression. Therefore, pour out everything on your mind, but also take the opportunity to jot down things you look forward to in the future. This is a great time to reflect which can help you set down guidelines to heal.
Most importantly, remember to prioritize your well-being. You are undeniably the most important person in your life. Even if your appetite is fleeting, nourish yourself with delicious food. Treat yourself to your favorite desserts, savor a hearty and nutritious meal, and keep yourself hydrated with lots of water or tea. Self-care is not a luxury; it’s a necessity, especially during this time.
In the grand scheme of things, we’re still young, with so many incredible experiences and accomplishments awaiting us.
While the recently ended relationship might not be the entire book, it certainly was a significant chapter in our lives. Every chapter teaches us something, and these lessons are valuable stepping stones to your next chapter in life.
Remember, it’s okay to feel the way you do, and healing takes time. So, go ahead, share a laugh with friends, and know that brighter days are ahead– minus the hourly social media check-ins, of course.